Healthy Lunches
The Harold has a Healthy Eating Policy and all families are encouraged to play their part in promoting this policy. Lunch should provide one third of your child’s food requirements for the day. The most effective way to plan a healthy lunch is to include one food from each of the food groups – one piece of fruit, milk, two slices of bread and meat/poultry/cheese
Please do not give your child sweets, chocolate, cake, fizzy drinks or crisps for lunch. Treat Day is a Friday so if pupils wish, they can bring in a small treat that day.
Parents are reminded that we are a 'Nut Free School'.......
Parents are requested:
Not to give children peanuts/nuts in lunches
Not to give peanut butter or Nutella sandwiches or use spreads containing nuts
Not to give bars labelled “may contain nut traces”
Chewing gum is not allowed in school.
Food Dudes is a programme developed by the University of Wales, Bangor, to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables both in school and at home. It is based on positive role models (the Food Dudes characters), repeated tasting and rewards.
In large-scale studies in schools in England and Wales and pilot studies in schools in Ireland, the Programme has been shown to be effective and results long lasting across the primary age range, regardless of gender, school size, geographic and socio-economic factors.